Your product belongs on the global store shelves

Try a free plan or get started with Professional. Cancel any time.


The quickest and easiest way to try

Free forever
Get started
2 connections every month
Ability to have two active conversation each month
Showcase your products
Change connection anytime


For producers who value their time and are actively looking for export opportunities.

per month
billed annually
$45 billed monthly
Try for free
Or contact sales for more details
Everything in Free and plus:
Chat history
Unlimited channels. Ability to have unlimited active conversations at the time
Increased visability to potential buyers and agents
Email and chat support


For producers with specific needs like qualification of buyers and agents with enhanced reach.

Contact sales
and get more details
Everything in Professional and plus:
Send private message to buyers and agents without matching.
Buyers and agents report and qualification
Email, chat and phone support
Custom tailored services

For buyers and agents

The quickest and easiest way to search, find and connect with any food and beverage producers that interest you. Access product catalogues, wholesale pricelists, get samples and purchase.

Frequently asked questions

What are my payment options - credit card and/or invoicing?

You can use your credit card to pay for any plan. If you sign up for an annual subscription we can invoice you annually. Contact us to start the process.

Buyer and agent accounts are free; no payments needed.

What is one channel?

One channel is the ability to communicate with one potential retailer, distributor or agent at the time. If you want to have conversations with multiple partners simultaneously, you need to subscribe to our professional plan.

Are there any limitations?

As the platform is completely digitalised, you are getting a lot of flexibility. You or your team can easily communicate with all stakeholders anytime and anywhere - all discussions and deals can be finalised with the help of our live chat function.

We want to cancel our subscription. How do we do that? Can we get a refund?

You can downgrade to the Free plan by canceling active matched channels, leaving only one active chat. Keep in mind that your subscription will remain active at its current level through the end of the billing period.

We do not offer refunds.

What is Better Market

Better Market is a network for food & beverage producers to find agents, distributors, and retailers worldwide.

We are passionate about how to make healthy and sustainable food & beverage products more accessible worldwide. We believe that we can make a better world with more efficient and more environmentally friendly food supply chains.
We already made our first export to 2 different markets. It takes some time to get the right connections, but definitely worth it.

Very quick insights about the market. We have been working for 3 months and we couldn’t believe how many valuable connections we made.
Mana Drinks

We already made our first export. We have been targeting Arabic countries before. However, this platform lets us get more interest in the region than previously.
Uniqa water

Ready to get
started? r

Explore the platform,
or create an account instantly and start with finding right connections.

You can contact us to schedule a demo for your business.

Pricing tailored to your business needs

Subscription based pricing tailored to your business needs, no hidden fees.

Pricing details

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